The iron mines of Biscay were communal mountains in which the ore was presented on the surface in huge masses. The minerals were: red hematite (vein and goethite), brown hematite (gold-coloured) and spathic iron (carbonate).
Until the mid-nineteenth century, only the vein was exploited in Biscay, which was the only one used in the forges. The use of these mining mountains was not regulated. Thus, by the foundational charters, the exploitation of the mines was kept exclusively for the inhabitants of Bizkaia, as long as they wouldn’t stop working the reserve for a year. This was full and indefinite usufruct and did not amount to a title deed. In 1863 the export of iron ore was liberalized, which was prohibited by the Fueros.
In 1865 the Provincial Council of Biscay inaugurated the mining railway of Triano. In 1868 the register of concessions was completely liberalized. In 1876 the unlimited exploitation of iron mines by private companies was allowed.
Image source above: Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain. Archive of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid, PLANS, OILS, 44: «Carta topográfica del apeo de la villa de Portugalete con los Tres Concejos del Valle de Somorrostro: S.Jorge de Santurce, Sta. María de Sestao y S.Salvador del Valle de Trápaga (Vizcaya)». Date: 1761.