As if suspended in the middle of the estuary we find the compact steelworks of Altos Hornos, all stone and metal. Several graffiti decorate its walls. On the left, a breakwater comes towards you, entering the water, where the seagulls fish and rest. In the centre, a couple of wooden boats keep them company. On the right stands proud the No. 1 High Furnace, the only one to have survived the dismantling, and its chimney.
On both banks are Portugalete and Las Arenas, each with its own landscape. The industrial landscape of Portugalete and Sestao tells us about other times, iron mines, loading docks and giant ships waiting for their daily ration of ore.
The Bilbao River & Cantabrian Railway CºLtd., inaugurated on May 8, 1876, also known as the Galdames Railway, is the one that, starting from the Berango mine, travelled 27 km before reaching the 5 loaders installed on this dock.
The image reproduced in the window takes us 120 years ago, when on the dock took place a different activity to the one today.