«Langileen ahotsa – Voz Obrera» – LANAK – OFICIOS – JOBS

«Langileen ahotsa – Voz Obrera» is a RIALIA project to amplify the voices of working people. In this room, you will find ten first-person testimonials. With these personal accounts, we offer a unique perspective on the experiences and challenges of the working class during the first half of the 20th century. The interviews have been carried out in the context of the events and shed light on the work environment, their emotions and sensations. The idea is to provide a space where, by sharing their stories, a sense of community and solidarity is generated.

The diverse range of voices represented at «Langileen ahotsa – Voz Obrera» ensures that a broad spectrum of experiences and perspectives are heard. «Langileen ahotsa – Voz Obrera» also strives to educate its audience on labour rights and social justice. Additionally, by providing a first-person Labor Voice, we intend it to serve as an inspiring educational resource.

The content is presented in the language in which the interview was conducted, and through subtitles, we try to make it easier for people with hearing difficulties to understand what is narrated.

In another panel in this room, we have collected almost all the trades that were protagonists of labour activity and that have disappeared or are about to do so.

You can check them here.







abarketagile alpargatera espadrille maker
aduanazain aduanero customs officer
alkondaragile camisera haberdasher
alogereko jornalera/o day labourer
amarratzaile amarrador moorer
aparailugile aparejador rigger
ardoketari vinatera/o vintner
arotz carpintera/o carpenter
arrain saltzaile pescatera fishmonger
arrantzale pescador fisherman
arraunlari remero rower
artillerialari artillero gunner
artisau artesana/o craftswoman
atoiontzi pilotu remolcador/a tigboat pilot
azpiltzaile ribeteadora hemmer
barazki dendari verdulera vegetable shopkeeper
barazki saltzaile vendejera vegetable seller
bernizatzaile barnizador/a varnisher
biltegizain almacenero warehouse keeper
botilaratzaile embotelladora bottler
brodatzaile bordadora embroiderer
buiazain guarda-boyas buoy keeper
dendari tendera/o shopkeeper
despeskalari despescador/a fishtaker
doitzaile ajustador fitter
ehule tejedor/a weaver
emagin matrona matron
emagin partera midwife
enkantegile rematadora auctioneer
erizain enfermera nurse
errekardari regatera peddler
errepasatzaile repasadora finisher
errotari molinera/o miller
esneketari lechera milkmaid
etxeko andre ama-de-casa housewife
gabarrari gabarrera/o lighterman
gailetagile galletera cookie maker
garabilari gruísta crane operator
garbitzaile lavandera washerwoman
garraiolari transportista carrier
gidari conductor driver
gurdizain carretera/o cartman
hargin cantera/o stonecutter
hornitzaile guarnecedora supplier
hornitzaile provisionista provisioner
idazkari secretaria/o secretary
igeltsero albañil builder
ikazkin carbonera/o coalwoman
ile- apaintzaile peluquera/o hairdresser
inprimatzaile estampador/a printer
inude nodriza wet nurse
irule hilandera spinner
Itsasadarzain guarda-rías river-guard
itzain boyera/o drover
josle modista dressmaker
jostun costurera/o seamstress
kaizain guardamuelles dock keeper
kapelagile sombrerera hatter
kimikari química/o chemist
kofratzaile encofrador formworker
konpontzaile reparador repairman
kontserbagile conservera cannery worker
kutxazain cajera cashier
labezain hornera/o oven keeper
laguntzaile auxiliar assistant
langile obrera/o worker
larrugin peletera furrier
latorrigile hojalatera/o tinsmith
leman-gidari piloto-leman leman pilot
lisatzaile planchadora ironer
maistra maestra schoolmistress
maisu maestro teacher
makinista maquinista engine operator
mandatari ordenanza messenger boy
marinel marinero sailor
mea garraiolari venaquera/o ore carrier
meatzari minera/o miner
merkatari mercader merchant
metalurgialari metalúrgico metal worker
moldeatzaile moldeador moldmaker
neskame sirvienta maid
ontziratzaile envasadora packer
oxkarratzaile festoneadora festooner
parpailagile encajera lacemaker
pilotu piloto pilot
portuko gidari práctico harbour pilot
prakagin pantalonera trouser maker
saltzaile dependienta saleswoman
sardina-saltzaile sardinera sardine seller
sare botatzaile caladora netter
saregile redera/o net mender
sarrailagile cerrajera/o locksmith
sastre sastra taylor
soldatzaile soldador welder
sugin fogonero stoker
sukaldari cocinera cook
tabernari tabernera/o bartender
telefonista telefonista telephonist
tornulari tornero turner
trenbidezain guardavías platelayer
tretzalari palangrero longline fisher
txaleko-egile chalequera vest maker
txalupari botero boatman
txirtalari txirtera ore washer
ugazabandre patrona landlady
urketari aguador/a water carrier
zamaketari carguera/o freighter
zamaketari estibador/a stevedore
zerbitzari camarera/o waitress
zigarrogile cigarrera cigar maker
zirgari sirguera/o towpuller
zulatzaile barrenador  driller

Rialia Industria Museoa | La Canilla Ibilbidea, s/n, Portugalete, Bizkaia 944 724 384 |